
We Have Opinions On: Landscaping

On October 14th, the Cultural Landscape Foundation of Washington, DC awarded the Cornelia Oberlander International Landscape Architecture Prize.  This is like the Nobel Prize for great thinkers on planting schemes.  The inaugural prize was awarded to Julie Bargmann, founder of D.I.R.T. (which stands for Dump It Right There), a design...

We Have Opinions On: Details

It is amazing how often public life suffers because some fairly highly paid individual didn’t pay attention to the details.  And because of those faulty details, everyone feels uncomfortable, even if they don’t know why. That was brought home to me on my drive home tonight.  There is a highway...

Study: Lead found in blood of half of US children

Did you see this headline in yesterday's Post-Star? From the article: About half of young children who were tested for lead had detectable levels of the toxic metal in their blood, according to a new study published in the peer-reviewed journal JAMA Pediatrics. Are you concerned about lead based paint?...

We Have Opinions On: Blight

Blight is the process or effect of community deterioration.  It can manifest in vacant and abandoned homes, litter-filled vacant lots, empty storefronts, or even lots of broken windows in a neighborhood.  Blight and poverty are not the same thing, and there are plenty of poor neighborhoods that don’t exhibit any...

We Have Opinions On: Porches!

I want to sing praise to the humble porch.  In particular, the front porch.  Porches are common features of homes in older neighborhoods here in the Northeast, and they are extremely popular in the South.  There are home builders in our area (and I wouldn’t be surprised if you told...